Host a First Amendment Museum Presentation or Talk At Your Organization’s Site
Want to organize a First Amendment Museum speaker for your event, institution, or classroom? FAM offers presentations that can be held live or via Zoom/Google Meets depending on the means, location, and dates that fit the needs of your organization. Listed below are a sample of presentation topics, or email us at to discuss how to customize your talk.

A Brief History of the First Amendment
Open any history book about the First Amendment and you will quickly realize it has a long and complicated history. Fortunately, this talk sums up the highlights in an accessible and simple way that covers the essentials.
Figuring Out Free Speech
What is the point of freedom of speech? Is freedom of speech absolute? Why do we allow hate speech? This presentation explores the philosophy, nuances, and jurisprudence that surround freedom of speech today.

Book Banning and Censorship
It seems like every time we turn on the news, we hear about book banning. How is it legal? Is it a threat to free expression? This presentation explores the legality and nuances of book banning in the United States along with its history.
Extra! Extra! Freedom of the Press
63% of Americans say it’s important for the press to be a watchdog on government, according to a Freedom Forum poll. But who is the press? What special protections and privileges does it have, if it has any at all? This presentation raises important questions about the role of the press in modern American society.

The Supreme Court Blueprint
The Supreme Court plays a vital role in interpreting and applying our First Amendment freedoms. To understand the third branch of the US government, this presentation explores the nuts and bolts of our highest Court so we can better understand its role and how it functions.
Slacktivism, Snapchat, and Social Reform
The First Amendment Online – The internet is changing everything – including the five freedoms in the First Amendment! This presentation covers everything from TikTok, to cancel culture, to slacktivism, and more.

Freedom of Religion
We’re always warned against talking about religion in polite society. However, complications surrounding the freedom of religion are crucial to discuss. This presentation answers the who, what, when, where, and why of freedom of religion and gives you the perfect outlet to discuss these often tense topics in an interesting and safe way.
The Five Freedoms Around the World
The freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition are not unique to the United States. However, their implications, jurisprudence, and the cultural attitudes that surround them vary from country to country. Look at the status of the five freedoms in different cultures and societies around the globe, and let us know if you want a deep dive into a specific place important to you.

The Author of the First Amendment – James Madison
Our fourth president and Founding Framer, James Madison, is a seminal figure in the history of the Constitution and the First Amendment. Learn about his contributions to our political system in this presentation.
The Gannett’s – A First Amendment Family
How can one American family use their First Amendment freedoms? The Gannett family have been staunch defenders and promoters of the First Amendment in Maine for more than a century, and their contributions are still felt across the state. Book this presentation to learn about this family’s contributions and their continuing impact today.

“The right time never comes if you wait for it, the way to hear opportunity knocking is to get outside the door and knock on it yourself. That’s the only way you’ll ever hear fate say ‘come in.’”
-Guy Gannett
Contact us today at or (207) 557-2290 to book a First Amendment Museum presentation.