
Call for Artists

Call for Artists!

The First Amendment Museum is mounting an exhibit and you’re invited to submit a work of art depicting a young person from history who has used their First Amendment rights to make a difference in our country.

Here, along with a linked brief description, is a list of some young people you might consider portraying. You could also do research to find a different person if you wish.

To see what we have already received, check out our “First Amendment Heroes Illustrated” page.

You could create a portrait of the person, or illustrate the story of their journey to success, or depict the change in our country as a result of their actions. Any style or medium will be accepted. Make sure to find at least one additional source of information and make sure to tell us what source(s) you referenced. 

A few quidelines

  • Museum staff reserve the right to resize or crop artwork to fit the exhibition
  • Artwork must be family-friendly, which means no profanity, nudity, or any other explicit content.
  • All age groups are welcome to participate. 
  • Submissions can be made either in person or by mail to the First Amendment Museum (184 State Street, Augusta, Maine, 04330), or online by emailing connect@firstamendmentmuseum.org
  • Accepted digital formats include PDF, JPEG, and PNG. 
  • Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Looking for more interactive and creative First Amendment-themed content? Check out our First Amendment for Kids webpage!