In this presentation, the free speech rights of those we disagree with are discussed and revealed why they are essential to defend.
The presenter, Nico Perrino, is the Senior Vice President of Communications for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.
Zoom/FB recording from December 9, 2022.
About the presenter
Nico Perrino is the Senior Vice President of Communications for the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. He is also the creator and host of FIRE’s So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast. As a documentarian, Nico was Co-Director and Senior Producer of “Mighty Ira” (2020), a feature-length film about the life and career of former ACLU Executive Director Ira Glasser. Previously, Nico served as Creative Consultant on “Can We Take a Joke?” (2015), a film about censorship in stand-up comedy. His writing has been featured in USA Today, Politico, Newsweek, and The Guardian, and he regularly travels the country to speak about free speech and civil liberties issues.