Our five First Amendment Freedoms — freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition our government — are the cornerstone of our democracy. When Americans value these freedoms and incorporate them into their daily lives, democracy thrives.

Our Mission
The First Amendment Museum inspires US to “Live and Love Our Freedoms” by understanding and using our First Amendment rights to advance democracy so that all reap the benefits.

Our Vision
We envision a nation of individuals who are informed, active, and engaged in their commitment to uphold the freedoms protected by the First Amendment, inspired to live their freedoms in their everyday lives, and respectful of others’ right to do so.

Our Statement
Please read our statement here on our commitment to diversifying our staff and Board, to developing programming that amplifies marginalized voices, facilitates dialogue, encourages debate, and fosters listening, so everyone can truly live and love their First Amendment Freedoms.