First Amendment Teacher Resources
A collection of First Amendment teacher and educator resources, including lesson plans, virtual field trips, and programming opportunities.

Bring your classes, clubs, homeschool groups, or student organizations for a free, educational, and interactive visit to the FAM. Onsite field trips are entirely customizable in length and content for all ages and grade levels.
A selection of lesson plans that cover various topics related to the First Amendment. Our lesson plans range from elementary to high school and were created by educators for educators.
Our virtual field trips cover a variety of topics relating to the First Amendment and they can be delivered from the Museum to your school or directly to your students’ homes on distance learning days via Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet.
A selection of primary sources from throughout American history relating to the five First Amendment freedoms.
A program that gives the opportunity for Maine high school students to engage in a distance-learning-based, mediated question and answer session between local representatives and their constituents.
For our new exhibit, students are encouraged to submit a work of art depicting a young person from history who has used their First Amendment rights to make a difference in our country. A wonderful opportunity to learn about activists in a creative way.

A group of educators from around the state of Maine who advise, support and guide the First Amendment Museum by providing feedback and keeping FAM up-to-date on educational developments.
Learn more about The First Amendment Museum’s mission.